Embarking on a Disciplined New Year: My 4-Week DEF Reset Journey

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Embarking on a Disciplined New Year: My 4-Week DEF Reset Journey

As an ardent admirer of Jocko Willink, I’ve been inspired by his principles of discipline and extreme ownership. This year, as part of my New Year’s resolution, I embraced these principles further by joining the DEF Reset challenge, a four-week program designed to instill long-lasting discipline and habits in various aspects of life.

Understanding DEF Reset

DEF Reset, or Discipline Equals Freedom Reset, is a structured program focusing on eight core habits:

  • Wake Up Early: Start each day by rising early to set a productive tone.
  • Get After It: Complete your workout first thing in the morning.
  • Prioritize & Execute: Identify and complete the top three tasks each day.
  • Hydration Goal: Maintain a daily hydration goal for optimal health.
  • Nutrition Plan Adherence: Consistently stick to a chosen diet or nutrition plan.
  • Sugar Elimination: Avoid blatant sugar sources like sweets, cakes, and sugary drinks.
  • Personal Development: Dedicate time to activities like reading and journaling for mental growth.
  • Practice Gratitude: Reflect daily on gratitude.

My Personal DEF Plan

  • Wake Up Time: 5:30 AM daily, including weekends.
  • Workout Plan: 6 strength and at least 3 cardio sessions weekly.
  • Daily Tasks: Top 3 tasks, focusing on work, family, and personal goals.
  • Hydration and Diet: 1 gallon of water daily and a strict diet avoiding sugar and junk food.
  • Personal Development: 45 minutes daily for reading, writing, learning, or listening to podcasts.
  • Gratitude: Daily reflection and quality family time.

Weekly Summary of My Journey

Week 1: Setting the Foundation

During the first week, I established a new routine, starting each day at 5:30 AM. This early start allowed me to complete my workouts and personal development activities by 9 AM and most work tasks by noon. Hydration, with a goal of 1 gallon of water daily, was crucial. I avoided screen time in the evenings, which allowed for more productive activities like writing and planning the next day’s tasks. Socially, I navigated a party without deviating from my diet plan and ended the week with a day dedicated to blogging and self-reflection.

Week 2: Overcoming Challenges

The second week presented new challenges, including a busy work schedule and travel. Despite these, I managed to adhere to my workout and diet plans. An unexpected delay in my travel led to my arriving home late and missing my early wake-up the next day. Nonetheless, I maintained discipline in my diet and workout regime, even while eating out with my family. The week concluded with fulfilling family time.

Week 3: Deepening the Habits

In the third week, I focused on deepening my established habits. I overcame physical challenges, such as an old injury, by adapting my workouts. I also dedicated time to online courses and chess studies. The weekends balanced physical activities with quality family time and positive community contributions.

Week 4: Reflection and Growth

The final week was a period of reflection and growth. I continued my routine of balancing work, workouts, personal development, and family time. A notable highlight was winning a power-lifting meet on Day 26, which involved a temporary deviation from my diet for performance. Despite this indulgence, I quickly returned to my disciplined routine, ending the challenge on a high note.

Learnings from My DEF Reset Journey

The DEF Reset challenge was a holistic journey that imparted valuable lessons across various aspects of my life:

Embracing Early Mornings

Consistently waking up early enhanced my productivity and positively impacted my family, particularly in helping my daughter maintain her school schedule.

Enhancing Personal Development

I consistently wrote a blog post every week and read almost one book per week, expanding my knowledge and mental stimulation.

Dietary Discipline

I successfully avoided junk food throughout the challenge, except for one day of indulgence during the power-lifting meet.

Reducing Screen Time

Significant changes included eliminating movies, shows, social media, and mindless screen time at home, which previously occupied a large portion of my time. I limited watching movies to outings with family.

Reflective Practices

Through diligent journaling and tracking with the DEF Reset sheet and EQH app by Jocko, I maintained accountability, reflection, and effective planning for the next day.

In summary, the DEF Reset challenge was transformative, positively impacting my physical health, work, mental well-being, productivity, and family life. It highlighted the power of discipline in creating positive, lasting changes and equipped me with habits and tools that I plan to continue beyond the challenge.

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Product @ Kotak Cherry, CFA , CFP, Kotak Young Leaders Council Member 2021, Blogger, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Chess Player, Powerlifter and a Foodie

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