Cheap but Effective: 5 Budget-Friendly Fitness Tools That Get Real Results

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Cheap but Effective: 5 Budget-Friendly Fitness Tools That Get Real Results

As someone who has been passionate about fitness for years and helped friends and acquaintances get in shape, I’ve constantly searched for tools and equipment to help push our fitness closer to our goals. 

I’ve tried countless training programs, home equipment, diet plans, and gadgets—many of which turned out to be unnecessary. But over time, I realized the Pareto Principle applies here as well. 

A staggering 80% of what I spent on fitness turned out to be either a fad or unnecessary, while the other 20%—the most unassuming items—provided the best return on investment for my fitness journey. Even better, most of these effective tools were surprisingly inexpensive. Below is a list of fitness products that cost less than ₹1,000 ($12 USD) but had a significant impact on my overall fitness results.

These are low-cost add-ons or accessories that enhanced my fitness journey. I’m excluding major expenses like gym memberships or groceries for a healthy diet, as those are typically larger investments.

1. Food Weighing Scale

If you buy one thing after reading this post, make it a food weighing scale. 

Your diet is responsible for around 80% of your fitness success, and as the saying goes, “you can’t out-train a bad diet.” However, what many people don’t realize is that no food is inherently “good” or “bad”—it’s about how much you eat. Most of us grossly underestimate portion sizes, leading to an unintentional calorie overload.

I’m not suggesting you measure your meals every day, but I do recommend tracking your food portions for at least a week and logging them in a calorie tracker like MyFitnessPal or FatSecret. You’ll be shocked at how skewed your carb and fat intake is while your protein consumption falls short. 

A decent food scale costs around ₹700 on Amazon and is incredibly durable. Mine has lasted for five years and counting. Once you’ve done this for a week, you’ll have a much better understanding of portion sizes, allowing you to “eyeball” your meals more accurately.

2. Body Fat Calipers / Measuring Tape

Much like a food scale helps you track caloric intake, a body fat caliper helps you measure your physical progress more effectively than a standard scale. For beginners, especially those building muscle while losing fat, tracking body measurements gives a clearer picture than just monitoring weight.

Body fat calipers allow you to measure skinfold thickness across key areas like the abdomen, thigh, and arms, providing a better estimate of body composition changes. 

For those who don’t want to buy calipers, a simple measuring tape is a closer alternative and can also provide valuable insight into your body transformation. Both tools can be found for under ₹500.

3. Resistance Bands

During the 2020 lockdown, I had to simplify my workouts and use whatever equipment I had at home—which was practically nothing. That’s when I discovered the power of resistance bands, a piece of equipment that is both simple and highly effective.

Resistance bands are elastic bands that come in various levels of resistance, typically ranging from 5 lbs (2.2 kg) to 100 lbs (45 kg). They’re incredibly versatile and can be used to perform a wide variety of exercises, from squats and presses to curls. 

Resistance bands are also extremely portable—you can carry them in a small gym bag without any hassle. Each band costs less than ₹1,000, and you can choose among light, medium, or heavy resistance based on your fitness level and goals.

For more detailed workout routines using resistance bands, check out videos by James Grage and Fouad Abiad.

4. Mobility Equipment

In our desk-bound culture, improving mobility is more crucial than ever. While many think they have decent mobility, a few simple tests can show just how much room for improvement there is.

Mobility work doesn’t require a huge time commitment—10 minutes a day over 4-6 months can drastically improve how you move. Even better, mobility equipment is inexpensive. Here are some essential tools that cost under ₹1,000:

Lacrosse Ball: Great for breaking up tight tissues. A tennis ball can also work as a substitute.

Foam Roller: Useful for self-massage and releasing tension in muscles. A rolling pin can also serve the same purpose.

Mobility Bands: Mini resistance bands help with joint positioning and flexibility. If you don’t have these, you can use a belt, towel, or strap.

– PVC Pipe or Broomstick: Excellent for stretching exercises and improving flexibility. 

For detailed mobility routines, check out content by Kelly Starrett on his blog, books, or YouTube channel.

5. No-Equipment Workout Playlists

This one isn’t a physical item to buy—it’s free. 

Many people, even those disciplined with their diet and workout routines, fall off track when traveling or going on vacation. The lack of gym access can lead to derailing your fitness progress, and getting back into the routine can take longer than anticipated.

To avoid this, I recommend having a playlist of 5-7 no-equipment workouts ready to go. These workouts can be done anywhere, anytime, with zero gear. MMA-style or bodyweight workouts are especially effective here. You can find plenty of free no-equipment workout routines on YouTube that take just 10-20 minutes.

You can find my go-to list here


These low-cost purchases surprised me with their effectiveness given the minimal cost. If you’re on a budget or don’t want to splurge on major fitness expenses, give these items a try—you won’t be disappointed.

Have another affordable fitness tool that worked wonders for you? Share it in the comments below!

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Product @ Kotak Cherry, CFA , CFP, Kotak Young Leaders Council Member 2021, Blogger, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Chess Player, Powerlifter and a Foodie

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